Hi Innovator 👋
It’s middle of the week? Yay!!
How are you, Builder Munchkin? 😎
Have you been doing good work too?
Let's face it, innovation isn't always sunshine 🌞 and rainbows 🌈. Sure, there are exciting moments to be had, but like everything else in life, there is always shege and shege pro-max in some dark and scary corners.
Sadly, this is a fact that a lot of innovators will learn either when they are in the heat of things or a little too late along their journey.
But that doesn’t apply to you, Dear Innovator, because you read our bi-weekly newsletter, where we freely share deets on what and what not to do on your building journey (thank you for sharing ‘em too. We ❤️ you for it)
Failing forward is simply doing the things that you feel unprepared for, doing it fast and picking up the lessons that’ll definitely come. But because most people squirm at the word ‘failure’ 😕they never get to take advantage of the amazing learning curve that comes with biting a little dust…
Today, fail forward like a pro by:
Getting your ideas off the drawing board. There are some things that you just can’t learn in the theory stage. Scared?, Unprepared?, Do it anyways!
Embracing the "Oops" Moments. We all make mistakes, especially when pushing boundaries or doing new things. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, own your missteps when you make ‘em!
Sharing your story without shame. You might be surprised by how many others have faced similar challenges, and your story could spark valuable insights for them too.
Ok? 🤝🤝
In other news…
The Federal government has launched Nigeria’s first multilingual large language model (LLM) as part of a push to become a leader in African AI development. This AI system can understand and process multiple languages, with a specific focus on under-represented languages spoken in Nigeria.
The announcement also coincides with the relaunch of the National Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (NCAIR) in collaboration with Cisco. This center, the first of its kind in Africa, aims to promote research and development in emerging technologies like AI, robotics, and the Internet of Things.
If AI is the new in-thing, Nigeria has officially joined the race! . What’s your take on this? 🫡
Notice any new changes on Instagram?, Here’s why?
Meta Platforms, Inc. has expanded its AI service, called “Meta AI,” to Nigeria and twelve other countries. This includes six other African nations: Ghana, South Africa, Malawi, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Meta AI is an AI assistant that users can use to accomplish tasks, acquire knowledge, assist with creativity, and audience connections. It is integrated into popular apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram.
Some of the new features of Meta AI include the ability to animate photos and generate real-time information. Meta AI is available in English for now and they intend to add more languages in the future.
If you don’t know yet….
On the 26th of April, 2024, Kelvin Umechukwu, CEO of Bumpa and Founder of Consonance club will be speaking at the Business Mixer, organised by ConnectNigeria.
The slots for registration are filling up fast, so register now to learn how to manage your business and increase sales. Y’know it’s going to be a blast! 😎😎
Aitt. That’s all for now. See you back here on Saturday.